Kontio factory and production

World’s biggest log house factory unit in an ideal location

Kontio Log Houses are manufactured in Finland at the Pudasjärvi factory, located near the Arctic Circle. This location minimizes transportation and environmental impact, making it ideal for sourcing renewable materials. As the largest factory of its kind, Kontio produces around 2,300 log buildings annually, totaling over 35,000 since 1970.

Utilizing an advanced production control system, Kontio ensures cost-effective handling and strict adherence to quality throughout the production process. This approach guarantees timely delivery of each log house, with all materials ready for shipment on schedule. Kontio’s commitment to excellence has set a high standard in log house manufacturing.

Continuous product development

Kontio’s extensive experience in exporting log buildings to diverse climates and construction traditions has led to high standards in product development. Our Product Development Team collaborates with Kontio operators and construction experts worldwide to create durable technical solutions, ensuring that investments in Kontio Log Houses are secure.

Key focus areas include energy efficiency and environmentally friendly production. Kontiotuote Oy has established itself as a leader in the industry through continuous research and innovation. Advanced wood handling technology is employed in the production process, maximizing raw material utilization and minimizing energy consumption, in line with EU environmental protection standards.

Quality at every step

The Kontio brand symbolizes high-quality house construction. Our stringent quality system ensures excellence throughout the entire production chain. We adhere to the quality standards and design principles established by the Finnish Log House Industry Association (HTT ry), which comprises 21 of Finland’s largest log home manufacturers. These guidelines set forth widely accepted requirements and conditions for prefabricated log houses, ensuring the best outcomes for our clients. As active members of this association, we strive to promote and enhance the perception of log home living worldwide for the greater good.

Kontio log houses are manufactured according to the European technical approval (ETA-05/0119), which enables CE marking.
We only use PEFC-certified and controlled wood. It is a sign of sustainable forest management.
Kontiotuote Oy has been awarded the highest AAA® credit rating (Dun & Bradstreet 5/2023).
Kontio's lowest credit risk category is a guarantee of the quality and stability of the business.
Kontio has been granted Strongest in Finland: platinum certificate (Asiakastieto) from the credit rating.
The Finnish Rinki brand communicates the company's responsibility and taking care of the producer responsibility of the packaging.
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