Healthy living

Kontio log houses not only look good, they are also good for your health. Kontio is an expert in healthy timber houses and our R&D team works on research projects with leading professionals to develop innovations for well-being and healthy living. With our Kontio Healthy Living™ programme, we build on 45 years of expertise in healthy buildings.

Antibacterial Kontio Arctic Pine

Kontio uses genuine Arctic pine as raw material. Kontio’s Arctic Pine is strong, beautiful and long-lasting, and grows in the pure, natural forests of northern Finland, far from cities and industry. It also has other qualities that make it an excellent choice as a building material. Kontio Arctic Pine contains a lot of natural antibacterial substances that give it resistance to moisture, mould and other harmful things. This makes Kontio houses durable and healthy even in demanding rainy and humid conditions.

Our customers appreciate these qualities, and Kontio, for example, has been chosen as a supplier to schools and public buildings precisely because of our ability to ensure good indoor air quality in buildings.

Fighting asthma and allergies

Studies have shown that solid wood structures can have a positive impact on health, especially in school environments. An Austrian study investigated the effects of different building materials on students’ heart rates. The results showed that the use of solid wood in classrooms can lower heart rate, as well as stress levels.
Children living in solid wood classrooms had on average 8600 fewer heartbeats per day than children living in painted plasterboard classrooms. Morning stress scores also declined shortly after students arrived at school and did not recover.

Why choose a log house?

  • Good for your heart
  • Reduces stress
  • Respects nature
  • Excellent acoustics
  • Most ecological – 100% renewable
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