Company Kontiotuote Oy

The roots of Kontio

Kontio has its roots deep in northern forests, close to the Arctic circle, in the coniferous zone where wondrous pines, hundreds of thousands of lakes, harsh and beautiful landscapes, hot summers and arctically cold winters exist in a balanced symbiosis. In these conditions wood acquires properties which are ideally suited for log construction. Far up in the north, at the top of the world, wood construction has a tradition spanning thousands of years. Even today traditional construction skills and naturally warm wood continue to provide the foundation for Kontio.

The name of Kontio is also rooted in the forest. “Kontio” is one of the aliases used for “bear”, The King of Forest, in Finnish folklore.

Kontio knows the wood

Kontio stands for high-quality log construction. The product ideas, patents and structural solutions developed by Kontio, combined with modern log building architecture have contributed to the development of log construction all over the world. Kontio is one of the leading manufacturers of log houses and leisure homes. Since 1970 Kontio has delivered more than 35,000 log buildings. Today Kontio exports buildings to more than 20 countries. The biggest export countries are Japan, Germany and France.

The strength of Kontio lies in the mastery of the whole process: Kontio professionals use the latest technology to refine timber from log to finished products.

Kontio is a reliable partner

The Kontio brand is known as the quality leader of log construction. Kontio has significantly increased its market presence especially as a manufacturer of high-quality log buildings. Consistently high quality, stunning architecture, continuous and focused development efforts as well as in-depth log building expertise provide a solid foundation for growth and the Kontio brand. The triple AAA rating issued by D&B reflects the financial strength and reliability of the company.

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