In each Kontio wood house, we carefully choose the logs to meet the needs of the individual building.
The logs we select take both the local climate and local regulations into account, as well as the customer’s personal design preferences. Every Kontio log is made with Kontio Arctic Pine™ as the raw material.
Our range of logs include laminated log profiles with our double sealing solution and Kontio SmartLog™, our innovative new non-settling log. Kontio laminated logs and SmartLog are available in sizes up to 275×275 mm. Our laminated logs are moisture permeable, meaning that they “breathe moisture”, which is important for healthy living and durability, and they are well suited for different styles of design from classic to contemporary.
Kontio SmartLog™
Kontio SmartLog™ is our innovative new solution for modern massive log architecture. Thanks to our new manufacturing technique, Kontio SmartLog™ logs do not settle as they dry, unlike regular massive logs. This gives architects more flexibility in their designs, with the ability to combine building materials and include elements like plainer detailing and simplified corner joints. SmartLog™ technology is also ideal for constructing low energy buildings, and it is especially well suited to individually designed and modern-style homes.

SmartLog 275×275 mm

SmartLog 205×275 mm

SmartLog 135×275 mm
High log profile
Small bevel on log seams gives this log profile a minimalistic look. Suitable for classic and modern style.

Kontio’s minimalistic log profile can be
found in high log profile and SmartLog.

275×275 mm

205×275 mm

135×275 mm
Low log profile
Timelessly beautiful log with a steep bevel is suitable for both traditional and modern architecture.

Log profile has a steep bevel.

95×170 mm

135×170 mm

180×170 mm
Modern corners and joints
Kontio log corners and joints are developed by our in-house R&D who have more than 45 years of knowhow. Their innovations in corners and sealing systems have been tested in our own laboratory for tightness and durability. Corners have a big effect on the style of the house and, in addition to long log corners, we also offer short and modern Eagle Corners and Neo corners.

Neo corner – modern log profile

Eagle corner – modern log profile

Eagle corner – classic log profile

Long corner – classic log profile

Long corner – modern log profile